The Great Commission in Matthew 28 commands us as Christians to share the Gospel and disciple those who have chosen to accept God's grace. In Acts 1, Jesus goes on to encourage the disciples to go to "Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." "The ends of the earth" is where Bread of Life is called to take this good news. This obedience calls for both human and financial resources. The Kingdom Expansion Fund (KEF) will resource training, deployment, and ministry as we introduce new people to the saving grace of the Lord.
Currently, KEF monies are going toward opening new areas of ministry on the Ugandan border with Kenya, in Tanzania, and in South Sudan.
Currently, KEF monies are going toward opening new areas of ministry on the Ugandan border with Kenya, in Tanzania, and in South Sudan.
What does the KEF support?
- Transportation for missionaries to their respective people groups
- Food and other supplies for new missionaries or missionary mentees
- Day-to-day expenses of the ministry associated with church planting, discipleship, etc.
- Continued expansion to new areas who have yet to hear the good news of the Gospel
If you are interested in joining us in taking the Gospel to those who have never heard, CLICK HERE. For any questions, please CONTACT the Bread of Life USA office.
- Transportation for missionaries to their respective people groups
- Food and other supplies for new missionaries or missionary mentees
- Day-to-day expenses of the ministry associated with church planting, discipleship, etc.
- Continued expansion to new areas who have yet to hear the good news of the Gospel
If you are interested in joining us in taking the Gospel to those who have never heard, CLICK HERE. For any questions, please CONTACT the Bread of Life USA office.